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Return Replacement Refund Policy

If, for any reason, you are unsatisfied with your order, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We handle each issue on a case-by-case basis to ensure your satisfaction.

To initiate a return or replacement or refund kindly contact our support team via Refund/Replacement Request Form within 30 days of receiving your product. Providing detailed information about the issue will assist us in resolving it promptly. To expedite the process, please include:

  • Name on the Order
  • Order Number
  • A comprehensive description of the problem
  • Supporting photos highlighting the issue
  • Your preference for a replacement or refund.

Please note that we are not liable for customer errors such as spelling or grammatical mistakes, issues with original image quality, or ordering errors. We encourage you to review your orders carefully before finalizing them.

 Our 30-day return/refund/replacement policy ensures your satisfaction by covering the following reasons:

  1. Defective, damaged, broken, or malfunctioning items upon receipt.
  2. Incorrectly sized or mismatched items.
  3. Items that differ from the provided description or customization information.
  4. Lost or missing items.

If you are eligible for a refund or replacement, you will not be required to return the original item received.

In cases where a refund or replacement is not applicable, the following scenarios may apply:

  1. Refund or replacement requests made after the 30-day period has expired.
  2. Selection of the wrong size, product, or provision of incorrect address or custom information by the customer.
  3. Damage caused to items due to mishandling, misuse, or inadequate maintenance by the customer.
  4. Items that have been worn, washed, soiled, or damaged as a result of customer handling.
  5. Personal reasons or change of mind expressed after the 2-hour grace period (please refer to our cancellation or modification policy).
  6. Products purchased during a sale or special promotion.
  7. Digital products are non-refundable.
  • No products in the cart.